Okay so it is almost that time of year again. The half-way point. I know, we think all the best movies come out right at the end of the year. Well, when we do actually take the time to look closer, we can see that there have been many worthy films to surface in 2016. As we did last year with the mid-way point films and performances that came highly recommended, we are delving into that again in the coming weeks. This time 3 lists:
First Half Movie Essentials
So what have you seen so far this year that has stuck with you? Get your thinking caps on for those movies that are perhaps your favorites so far, or they surprised you. Personal choices, guilty pleasures, obscure titles, all are welcome. Write about 200 words, any angle you like. Also check out the 2015 lists.
First Half Stand-Out Performances
Pretty much the same format, this time let’s shine the spotlight on those actors and actresses that impressed you the most. Could be a breakthrough, more stellar work from a veteran, or even a formidable double-act that caught your attention. Again, check out the 2015 lists.
First Half Great Movie Scenes
We did not do a first half scenes list last time but feel free to check out the scenes of the year pieces. I am not too fussed about using more than one scene from any given movie, but come on, there are a lot of movies to choose from in 2016. Which moments and scenes made you cry, made you laugh, moved you, made you think, lingered with you, important scenes, memorable scenes, moments that made you jump out your skin, wet your pants. They all count.
So get your brains working, scan the list of films of 2016, and get jotting down your ideas. I want them all so we can publish before August takes over the world. I will do all the hard work don’t worry, however I will also be harassing many of you until the final words are on my desk. It’ll be fun overall, honest. Comment in the section below, scribble away on my Twitter or Facebook pages, or even email me at robin.write@live.com. Any questions please ask.