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Femme Film Fest 23 Showcase Selection: Circuit (Delia Hess)

Circuit Delia Hess Filmotomy Femme Film Fest

Animated short films are a charming cinematic universe all of their own and Circuit makes a worthy entry into their league. At first blush, it is such a simple story simply presented in an almost child-like way. But then the rhythmic sounds of this small ecosystem start working on the viewer as they synchronize with the tasks of the animated inhabitants.

Circuit is a marvel of balance and timing that only looks easy until you try creating it yourself. The color palate of primary colors popping out of backgrounds of neutral gray washes and black and white details pull you in and you’re hooked on the repetition and interdependence of each element before you even realize what you are seeing. Circuit is a great animated experiment in sound and color that tells a surprisingly profound fable on the importance of respecting one’s place in the natural world.

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