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Greece: Happy-Go-Unlucky

Without intending to start a revolution, or mislead, I may from time to time step out of the realm of film or screenwriting or television. I may then delve into something that stirs passion with me personally. I may see something so valuable and enlightening, I want to simply share it with as many people as possible. This such recommendation carries both of those elements to some extent. And I am aware my blog does not (yet) garner the kind of page views that would allow me to be accused of mere traffic-hunting – which I assure you is certainly not what I am doing here. My site is simply another platform of communication, one from which I can shout out to you people listening.

The economic dilemma in Greece is something I care about strongly. It is something that affects me, my wife, our daughter, but more directly it is something that takes it toll actually, and daily, on parts of the family in Greece. And thousands and thousands of other Greeks. The sorry financial downfall of that beautiful, great country is truly an upsetting thing. The last time we went over there, the people of Athens were still smiling, heads held high, working, living. They are a super-generous nation of people who squabble with each other to be the one to feed you or make you comfortable, or give you money. If you switched off the news and buried your head in the sand you would not have a clue there was anything wrong in Greece at all.

I rarely talk about, let alone get involved in, the subject of politics. And I hardly ever seriously read The Guardian any more. So in that respect the many, many words (in Greek and English) I want to endorse today may come as a bit of a surprise to some. My affections for the Greek nation will seem much more familiar. The article, which you all ought to have read already, is 100 Greeks that have given their views on the country’s economic crisis (which can be scrolled through one by one here in full). Go and navigate it yourself, but there are are also pages and pages of people sharing their experiences and perspectives of the situation in Greece at Guardian Witness. Here you can also add your own contribution.

I could read this stuff all day long. And a huge weekend coming up. I love the Greeks, they deserve much better, and every time I think of these circumstances I pray for a turn-around in their fortunes.
Images courtesy of The Guardian
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