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Filmotomy Podcast 64: Strong Girls on Film

With the recent rumble of Captain Marvel, now is as good a time as any to pop open the strong female characters discussion. In our 64th podcast, Bianca Garner (@cinebee2) is joined by the solo male, Robin Write (@Filmotomy), as well as Audrey Fox (@audonamission), Becky Matthews @bec_bebop, and Katie Smith-Wong (@Guitargalchina) – the latter two ladies joining the show for the first time. The group talk about what makes a strong female character, their own inspirations of the fairer sex on celluloid, and just how far the girls on film have come. Have a listen, leave your comments, and as always subscribe to SoundCloud, iTunes, and Stitcher, so you don’t miss a thing.


Making Mr. Right (1987); Baby Boom (1987); Dangerous Liaisons (1988); Alien (1979); The Terminator (1984); Leon (1994); Inglourios Basterds (2009); The Matrix (1999); Widows (2018); Captain Marvel (2019)


“Black Sheep” sung by Brie Larson from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

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