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The Ten Best Christmas Movies Relay Race


Nostra from My Filmviews is bringing the holiday spirit this year and has created a Best Christmas Movie List relay. I was invited by Courtney, Queen of On The Screen Reviews, to take part. Have a look at the ten so far, and find out what I included after the updated list.


* The list has 10 Christmas movies (in random order) and when the baton is handed over to a new blogger, he or she has to remove one title of the list (with an explanation why) and add one new title.

* Once that is done a new blogger is contacted who will take the baton and run with it, doing the same (you can reinstate a title which has been previously removed).

* As Christmas is in three weeks I want to ask you to publish your entry as quickly as possible to make sure the list changes as much as possible before the 25th of December. Add the logo of this relay race to your post and also add links to those who came before you making it easy for everyone to find all the entries.

The bloggers so far: Marked MoviesKeith and the MoviesFlixchatterRambling FilmTwo Dollar Cinema, Dell on MoviesA Film a DayCinematic CornerOh So Geeky, MettelRay, On The Screen Reviews
Here are the current movies:

Die Hard


Love Actually


Home Alone

home alone quote gif

It’s a Wonderful Life


The Nightmare Before Christmas


A Christmas Story


Bridget Jones’s Diary




I’m taking out:

While You Were Sleeping


It was this or Bridget Jones, as both are not films are rank highly as Christmas movies per se. And I likely make less enemies this way.

I’m putting in:

Joyeux Noel


A cease-fire should apply to our everyday lives at Christmas time – no arguing with family, no animosity with those work colleagues not on your Christmas card list, no pushing aside the sprouts. Rather that a World War I no man’s land confrontation, these three nations (French, British, German) in Joyeux Noël unite on Christmas Eve. Guns and politics are, for now, put aside for drinks and song. The war is not over, no, but it can wait. Merry Christmas.

And I’m passing this holiday relay onto Matt at Movie Award PLUS.

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