Day One of the Femme Filmmakers Festival 2023

Looks like we made it. The 8th Femme Filmmakers Festival has arrived. Better late than never. And a more low-key affair in 2023. But it is here all the same. Let’s celebrate some marvelous films made by women.

Day One looks to remind us of two very different feature films from two contracting corners of our universe. As well as that the Competition and Showcase Selections kick off with our varied range of short films.


Friday 22 September

Wonder Woman (Patty Jenkins) feature film selection

Capernaum (Nadine Labaki) feature film selection


Astonishing Little Feet (Maegan A Houang) competition selection

Lucia (Victoria Rivera) competition selection

Summer Shade (Shira Haimovici) showcase selection


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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

1 thought on “Day One of the Femme Filmmakers Festival 2023

  1. First film, Astonishing Little Feet is a somewhat disturbing, but very thought provoking. Nice touches with the transformative moments at the beginning and end. Very well edited and shot, interestingly paced. Touches of Godard, Campion even Scorsese, I thought, but an extremely well made, accomplished short film that grounds itself in the reality of the situation right at the end. Overall, excellent.

    Lucia is more contemplative, residing far more in the observational tradition. Given that it concerns childhood, and the absence of parental figures, improvised guardianship, the film really hit home with me. Wonderful attention to textures, fabrics, the materiality of objects and their context within an environment. Loved the autumnal setting, the gazes out of windows, at floor level, windows as doorways, outside as a waiting room for life etc. The young actors, and even the frog-or was it a toad-were all directed beautifully, wonderful, light touch performances. Also very much enjoyed the square aspect ratio, well used for such a rooted, homely or not story. “…try again tomorrow.” Why the heck not, children always see the world right, after all. A magnificent film.

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