Femme Film Fest 23 Competition Selection: Astonishing Little Feet (Maegan Houang)

Astonishing Little Feet Filmotomy Femme Filmmakers Festival

An astonishing feat! Astonishing Little Feet is a perfectly formed period short, set in a cramped New York apartment in the 1830s. Here, a young Chinese woman (Celia Au) has been placed on display by an older Chinese man, Atung (Perry Yung ) for the pleasure of four white men (Robert Brettenaugh, Max Faugno, Robert Lewis Stephenson & Brian Wallace) who exhibit sexual excitement by her exoticism. Their curiosity is peaked by her tiny little feet, created by the practice of foot binding, which was considered a symbol of beauty and social status in ancient China. Under pressure from them, Atung becomes increasingly more demanding of her.

Houang’s style is stylish in its simplicity. With limited spoken language there is a reliance on facial expressions and body language which are effective in building an uneasy atmosphere over its 7 ½ minute run time. The final reveal of the inspiration of this film’s subject is thought-provoking and will have you rushing to Wikipedia to find out more.


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Author: Ellen Cheshire

Ellen Cheshire is a film writer and lecturer who has written books on Jane Campion, Ang Lee, The Coen Brothers, Audrey Hepburn and Bio-Pics. Ellen has also written on women filmmakers in Silent Women: Pioneers of Cinema, Under Fire: a century of war movies, Counterculture UK- a celebration and the WJEC Eduqas Film Studies for A Level and AS text book.

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