Femme Film Fest 23 Competition Selection: My Condolences To Your Future Lovers (Jessica Dowse)

Stacey and Vicky are young lovers having a squabble in the car, or is it a breakup? Director Jessica Dowse has written a crackling strong script that nimbly hops from the couple amusing each other with their choices of music on the radio to more and more intense feelings of loss and desperation as a pending goodbye draws closer. Their differing views on this and what they think love is leads to a wrenching end that is surprisingly moving.

The performances of both Megan Walker and Alexandra Hannant are so natural with great chemistry so that the viewer is drawn into their “bubble world” of affection briefly but when it bursts we feel their pain. Dowse created a wonderful mini drama that hits all the notes of love and loss in under ten minutes and leaves the viewer as sated as they would be if this film were feature length. Recommended!


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Author: Joan Amenn

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