Watch That Interstellar Trailer Again – And Again

I’m not about to start reviewing trailers. Or at least not on a regular basis. The third trailer for Interstellar, though, deserves some real attention. As trailers go, in this cram-packed awards season, this is quite old news now – but made a huge impact on its release. The movie has not been released as I write this, but critics, bloggers, movie-goers, and the likes are whispering the same thoughts: That Interstellar is coming.

This looks like something that could not just be huge when statuettes of recognition are handed out (though it is nice just to be nominated, right Christopher Nolan?), but could well sweep up audiences and critics – two very different groups of people I might add. I, for one, was captured by this trailer from the first second. It takes us to the far expanses of our imagination – it makes you feel both excited, and anxious, as to how the story of this movie will go.

What comes across to me is that although visually that beyond Earth stage looks incredibly alluring, it feels that the human story is actually more powerful. And that concept in itself is, “that love transcends time”, is a real heart magnet. Hans Zimmer’s progressive and lingering music is inch perfect. There’s some real profound dialogue here too (could sound corny and flat anywhere else, but not here) – this is a great poem, not a trailer. One last thing I want to add, even though I could probably talk about the trailer alone for hours, is the movement of the camera in some of the Earth shots. It just glides, drifts, like we are already in space. Brilliant.


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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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