Welcome to Day Three of the 7th Femme Filmmakers Festival

Femme Filmmakers Festival Filmotomy Aida

Knock knock. Who’s there? Date. Date who? No, no, no, it’s Day Three not Day Two. Some very vivid images for your eyes today covering commercial, documentary, fiction and animation. And perhaps not so much comedy.

Look out for more coverage today, as well as reminding yourselves to check out the reviews and interviews out there already. Thanks to In Their Own League, the Dublin Feminist Film Festival, InSession Film, Film Inquiry and Mubi for their support and coverage so far.

Don’t forget the official website of the Femme Filmmakers Festival right here.



Mijo (Mazdey Snob)

Wallace Chan – The Art of Materials (Martina Margaux Cozzi)


Lune // Moon (Zoé Pelchat)

paasword: Luna_2020

Freedom Swimmer (Olivia Martin-McGuire)

The Mirror (Giulia Achenza)



Quo vadis, Aida? // Where are you going, Aida? (Jasmila Žbanić)

All This Panic (Jenny Gage)

Please check out the official website FemmeFilmFest.org

Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.