9th Femme Filmmakers Festival Classic Short Weekend: Land Without Evil (Katalin Egely)

Land Without Evil Filmotomy

What a journey this is. Katalin Egely, an extremely well-travelled Hungarian filmmaker, incorporates her extensive prowess with animation story-telling to not only embrace the indefinable beauty of the world, but dare I say a kind of wondrous scrapbook of those travels. Land Without Evil might suggest an idealistic view of geographical euphoria, but its essentially a true story come to life through the eyes of a highly skilled artist.

The incredible process of animated film is so out of reach to those not ventured there, that Land Without Evil (a Gold Sovereign winner in 2018) appears all the more impressive. Egely built her world from scratch, a literally hand-made project showing unimaginable results from the short film world’s most prestigious craft box it seems. Where paper is wildlife and cotton wool is fire, Land Without Evil is an over-lapping and astonishing transition of our amazing natural world. It’s a film to be treasured accordingly.


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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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