Christmas Movie Grinch

How the Grinch Almost Ruined Christmas by Al Robinson

First it was a book written by Theodor Seuss Geisel aka “Dr. Seuss” and published on Christmas Day in 1956. Then in was an animated short film that debuted on television on December 18, 1966. Most people up until then usually thought of the animated short film first, that is until Universal Pictures got Ron Howard to direct, and Jim Carrey to star in a full-length feature film presentation of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, which was released in American theaters on November 17, 2000.


The story and film is like an allegory or a metaphor for how people look at what are supposed to be happy things, differently, and how that affects our moods and the way we interpret and look at the world, and how we relate to others. On the surface level, it’s about a little town of people who are very happy and are ready to celebrate Christmas, and a sole Grinch who is an outsider, who doesn’t like that these town people are so happy, and so he wants to steal their presents and ruin their joy. Ruin their Christmas. But deeper than that, the film gets to how we make decisions based on our interpretations of many different facets of life and the people around us. I know for myself, I tend to feel mixed emotions and have mixed thoughts about the holidays. On one hand, I can appreciate the good in my life, such as my friends and family, and my job. On the other hand, I can stew in what I’m missing in my life, and what I’m missing out on. I can see the Grinch feeling that he’s mostly missing out on the good things in life, and therefore, he wants everyone to feel what he feels. His misery needs company, and so he sets it upon himself to make this happen. What he doesn’t expect it that who kindness of the townfolks and such makes him feel something he never did before, which is acceptance and love. In turn, he of course makes things better for the townfolk and himself. He is no longer a Grinch, but really more of just a green fella.

As for the film itself, it’s capped off by an amazing performance from Jim Carrey, who was in-between his two best films/performances of The Truman Show in 1998, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in 2004. Here he gives a madcap performance of the Grinch, and does it in a delectable way. He’s so charming and scheming. The performance from Carrey is one that stands out as his best comedic performance, and endears itself to his otherwise wobbly career. The production of the film is terrific, and Ron Howard gave it the Christmas cheer is deserves, and we’re all better off for it. If you haven’t seen the film, I highly recommend you do, and give yourself something to smile about this holiday season.

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Author: Al Robinson

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