Looking for Volunteers: The 9th Femme Filmmakers Festival Needs You

Priscilla Femme Filmmakers Festival

Filmotomy’s 9th annual Femme Filmmakers Festival is really not far away now. The online event runs again between 20th – 29th September 2024, when everyone should be back at school and your TIFF suitcases are all unpacked and put away.

The film selections for the 2024 edition is all set, and the feature and short films will be revealed shortly. As for the official poster, well that has arrived. Take a look:

Filmotomy Femme Filmmakers Festival Poster

Would You Like To Get Involved?

As varied and exciting as these opportunities are, I apologise that they are at this time unpaid. Even for me. The festival makes no profit for the site or its members.

So, are your filmic taste buds tantalised? Want to be part of the voting film jury? Would you like to interview filmmakers behind some of the short films? Help promote the films on display at this year’s festival? Write some reviews? Why would you not want to watch and talk about compelling short films made by women? No brainer, am I right?

All I require from you via your outpouring of film-making passion, is your interest in being involved. We can discuss the details beyond that. You can fill out the form below, email me at write@filmotomy.com, buzz me on Twitter @Filmotomy or turn up at my apartment if you really must. Can’t wait to hear from you.


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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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