Reading, Writing, Arithmetic #1

So my site, or at least a few pieces in particular, has been mentioned in a couple of great sites which, more than anything else, is a real ego boost as a writer and very much appreciated admiration of my work. I am very supportive of other bloggers, writers, film-makers and the rest, and some of you will know I often share, retweet, comment on your posts. I have been thinking about linking to the tons of articles, reviews, lists etc that I read daily, so decided to go right ahead and do that on the back of this attention my site has been giving. Share the love and all that.


There will be no set date, or any particular type of media, to what I refer to here. I’ll likely just link to the stuff I enjoyed reading / watching / studying the most and post away.

The title comes from the first album by The Sundays, which is 25 years old this month, and thought it could be interpreted appropriately here.

How ‘Selma’ Got Smeared
On Historical Drama and its Malcontents by Mark Harris (Grantland)

Ava DuVernay Interview
Part 3 of Interview linking to Parts 1 and 2 with Scott Myers (Go Into The Story)

Ava DuVernay Interview
Video Interview with Amy Goodman (Democracy Now)

Oscar Podcast 78
Birdman Takes PGA ans SAG with Sasha Stone, Craig Kennedy and Ryan Adams (Awards Daily)

A Tale of Two Snipers
The Eyes of a Thief vs American Sniper by Hadani Ditmars (Middle East Eye)

6-Minute ‘A Most Violent Year’ Documentary
Visits The Violence Of 1981 by Kevin Jagernauth (The Playlist)

Screenplays Available For Your Consideration
Including Birdman, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Belle, posted by Christopher Boone (No Film School)

Do Screenwriters Have to Live in L.A.?
A brief but interesting piece by Paul Zeidman (Script Shark)

The 30 Most Anticipated Movies
Of The 2015 Sundance Film Festival by The Playlist Staff (Indiewire)

Jordan Ruimy’s Top 10
Movies Directed by Women by Jordan Ruimy (Awards Daily)

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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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