Reading, Writing, Arithmetic #42: Hunter


How many times do I read something, watch a video, listen to a podcast, discover a website, and tell myself I’ll recommend that on the site? And why am I asking you that? You don’t know. It’s often, and I really want to get this recommended links series back on the gritty road as sometimes a mere retweet or thumbs up does not do it justice.

Get ready to crowd your web browser with even more tabs of film related stuff you simply have to go check out right this second. Clicking the headings takes you there. The post title is kind of related, I’m sure you can figure it out. And we’ll start with urging you to head on over to the fantastic international cinema initiative from the wonderful Elise Hassan:

Haringey’s Global Cinema Club (by Elise Hassan)

Haringey’s Global Cinema Club is a one of a kind, pop-up, community cinema that will be solely showcasing some of the best non-English language cinema from around the world!

Saw, Maleficent & A Quiet Place – Classic ClapperCast (by Carson Timar)

Mental Health Awareness Week: an analysis of Silver Linings Playbook (by Amy Smith)

Our Top 5 Movies With A City In The Title (by The Movie Journey)

‘Minari’ and me: What my friend’s Oscars journey taught me about being a critic (by Justin Chang)

The Visual Mastery of Run Lola Run (by Raquel Stecher)

Letterboxd List: Dysphorroria (by Sarah Williams)

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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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