Unseen – Call for Support

Here at Filmotomy we like to promote new and emerging talent, and films from female, LGBT and minority directors, the films that don’t get enough attention and need to be talked about. After speaking to the wonderful Lotus Hannon, who is the writer and director of an upcoming short film Unseen, I knew I had to write about it. I hope that I can help bring attention to this project and spread the word, because it really is a remarkable film and deals with many issues that are on-going in our society.


Unseen is a short film exploring the importance of being recognised and valued for who we are as an indvidual. It tells the story of Lien, a young woman who is desperately trying to escape the underclass. The film explores a tension between how we see ourselves and how society see us. Everyone can relate to having to conform or compromise to enable ourselves to get ahead sometimes, to push through barriers in life that hold us back. Lien plays the system, takes on an identity which she thinks will help her get ahead. But how long can you be someone else before who you really are becomes lost?

Hannon details how the film came to be in a powerful statement, ”Unseen was born out of feeling frustrated and struggling as a woman, trying to make my own mark in the world and have my voice heard. I think all women understand the challenge of being seen and valued for something beyond their gender. This reductive way of valuing women is felt more intensely when you bring in other factors, like class, wealth, race. When race is involved, objectification can take on a different and insidious dimension. I wanted to ask; why do some people make assumptions about a whole ethnicity including personality traits? Why is it desirable to see East Asian women as obedient and submissive lovers?”

Funds will be used towards the post-production costs including editing, grading, music, sound design and more. Furthermore – the Kickstarter funds will be used in order to share Unseen with the world through screening at special events and film festivals. So if you’re interested in this project and would like to help fund it, then check out the link below:


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Author: Bianca Garner

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