Watch Horror Short 'The Disappearance of Willie Bingham'

In recent years the amount of psychological horror and minimal science fiction films is increasing, and this ongoing change is definitely a good one. “The Disappearance of Willie Bingham” is not a pure horror, though – at least, if you do not consider the creepiest “Black Mirror” episodes as horror, but the radical justice system concept presented here is scarier than most films intended to make jump out of your seat.

Matt Richards’ short film was released in 2015, winning a dozen of awards on sci-fi&horror-related festivals and stars Kevin Dee (whose performance was rightfully noticed by the viewers – incredible role and psychological transformation!), Leah Vandenberg, Albert Goikhman, Tim Ferris and Gregory J. Fryer.

You can watch the full film here (12 min):

Author: Mr. Bobinsky