Femme Filmmakers Festival — Day One Program — Friday 1st September 2017
Like all the fine female filmmakers you are hopefully about to embark on, it is time to rise and shine. You may or may not know the drill with getting up and going to a film festival, but with the Femme Filmmakers Festival you might not actually have to get out of bed at all. I do not, however, condone missing important appointments, or work, or dare I say, breakfast. So get out your diaries, and actually start your breakfast if you wish (depending on where you are in the world), all you really need here is your laptop, your tablet, your phone, HDMI cable etc – this is an online festival. Might not have the atmosphere of a Venice or a Telluride, but trust me there is some truly mouth-watering film-watching in your very near future.

Having risen the bar, as well as stress levels, this year, there will be no fewer than 50 films by women to savor over the next 10 days. Each of these days, two feature films will headline, as well as the showcasing of three short films. All carefully, passionately selected, and all worthy of your attention. There’s comedies, dramas, animations, documentaries, fan favorites, films you haven’t seen – let’s just get on with it.
It’s Friday, it’s #FemmeFilmFest Day One. Time to watch some diverse movies by women. Check out all the action of Directed By Women September, gather your friends, family, get on social media, spread the word and the joy. And a reminder it is also Directors Weekend for Sofia Coppola, with two of her under-rated movies scheduled, and also an infamous short. Seems like the perfect way to open the festival. Enjoy.
Online streaming access for all 30 short films is easily accessible on the home page on the right hand menu.
Lick the Star (1998) Sofia Coppola 14 mins
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The Danish Poet (2006) Torill Kove 15 mins
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I Just Said That (2017) Stefanie Davis 3 mins
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Elena (2013) – Petra Costa – 80 mins
YouTube — Google Play — iTunes — Amazon USA — Amazon UK
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All This Panic (2017) – Jenny Gage – 79 mins
YouTube — Google Play — iTunes — Amazon USA — Amazon UK
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