6th Femme Filmmakers Festival Open For Submissions – and Official Poster Revealed
It seems to be earlier and earlier each and every year that we embark on the Femme Filmmakers Festival in ...

Full Line-up of Feature and Short Films Announced for the 2021 Femme Filmmakers Festival
After hours and hours of watching, re-watching, head-scratching, laughter, wonder, sorrow - all manner of emotions - we have finally ...

Say Hello to the Competition Jury of the 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival
I've heard folk say that watching films is easy. And rating them, well, that's the cinemagoers favourite pastime these days ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021 – Day One
With submissions in, details prepared and the wait over, it's time to officially begin the 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival! We ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Awake (Katherine DuBois)
What does it look like to grieve? That is what Katherine DuBois explores in her short film, Awake. Through the under-15 ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Whole (Suchana Saha)
Whole is a minute long animation which manages to say what it needs to within a restricted runtime. The beauty ...

FemmeFilmFest21Review: The Black Veil (A.J. Al-Thani)
A.J. Al-Thani’s The Black Veil is an astonishing and empowering short film which the world needs now more than ever ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Bird of Paradise (Mareike Engelhardt)
The short film Bird of Paradise (Nos Lions) effectively builds a sense of danger but gets lost in its own ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Clueless (Amy Heckerling)
Teenage girls are full of contradictions. Shallow and existential, audacious and anxious, convinced of their own importance and their own ...

FemmeFilmFest21Review: Booksmart (Olivia Wilde)
Booksmart continues the long tradition of films about two kids the summer after high school, growing over the course of ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021 – Day Two
With the Femme Filmmakers Festival day one successfully complete, things are off to a fantastic start! If you missed Friday’s ...

FemmeFilmFest21Review: Waffle (Carlyn Hudson)
Ah, the joys of a sleepover party with your BFF! Waffle is a fun take on the sleepover/slumber party chick-flick ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Fenice – Momoni SS21 (Giulia Achenza)
Italian filmmaker Giulia Achenza’s Fenice (2021) is a gorgeous piece of cinema that succeeds in its mission to illustrate the ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Hide and Seek (Ragini Bhasin)
Hide and Seek from writer director Ragini Bhasin is a charming little film with a powerful and impactful ending that ...

FemmeFilmFest21: Children of a Lesser God – Selfishness and Ableism Disguised as Love
Children of a Lesser God (1986)¸ directed by Randa Haines and written by Hesper Anderson based on the stage play ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021 – Day Three
Well, the weekend may be coming to an end but the Femme Filmmakers Festival is just beginning! We've been having ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Lola (Ana Lydia Monaco)
Some research has suggested that as many as 85% of women are unhappy with the appearance of their bodies. We ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: End-O (Alice Seabright)
Endometriosis is no laughing matter, but the short film End-O treats it with an endearingly effective blend of wry humor ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Paddy (Roisín Kearney)
The short film Paddy strikes a lot of familiar notes, showing a young man in Ireland whose heart belongs to ...

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic #44: The Love Light with Mary Pickford and Frances Marion
They say that great, great things come in sevens. Okay, they don't really say that. But at Filmotomy and the ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Wuthering Heights (Andrea Arnold)
Stunning cinematography, fantastic acting and an immersive, impactful story are all facets of Andrea Arnold’s 2011 gothic romanic drama Wuthering ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021 – Day Four
It may be Monday, but it doesn't have to feel like one! We're onto day four of the festival and ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Coco Before Chanel (Anne Fontaine)
Luxembourg-born Anne Fontaine is a filmmaker who remains under the radar across the film network - of any gender. Even ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Interview: ‘Paddy’ director Roisín Kearney, actors Cian Hughes and Kiri Flaherty
Robin Write is joined by the director of the short film PADDY, Roisín Kearney, as well as two of the ...

FemmeFilmFest21Review: Lovecard Fate (Marianne Chase, Cath Shayler)
Moments after discovering this short, a whimsical narration and eerie musical background welcome the viewer to an unexpectedly fresh experience ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Beta Male (Marianne Chase)
There is no question that film lovers have dearly missed their regular visits to their local cinemas during this difficult ...

FemmeFilmFest21Review: The Hitch-Hiker (Ida Lupino)
If you want to be scared out of your wits on a solitary night indoors, Ida Lupino’s 1953 classic black-and-white ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Mr. Roosevelt (Noël Wells)
When one packs their things, say goodbye to their old lives and move to the big city to follow their ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021 – Day Five
It's hard to believe we are nearing the halfway mark of the 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival. It's been lovely seeing ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Oh Baby! (Meghann Artes)
Anyone who is a parent knows that raising a child is quite the DIY project. For some women, conception can ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Interview: Oh Baby! Conceiver Meghann Artes
I had the pleasure of reconnecting with filmmaker Meghann Artes, following our conversation about her terrific Speed Dating five years ...

FemmeFilmFest21: ‘Mon Roi’ – The Painful Personification of Emotional Abuse
Mon Roi (My King) presents a love story that is equally intoxicating as it is painful. Director and cowriter Maïwenn ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Carmen (Estefanía Bozok)
I was initially drawn to this short by the title. Being a fan of the opera ‘Carmen’, I was intrigued ...

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic #45: Pariah (Dee Rees)
Before the acclaimed Mudbound and that historical Best Cinematography Oscar nomination (for Rachel Morrison) came Pariah. The breakout film for ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021 – Day Six
Well, we are onto day six of the 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival and still going strong. It's halfway through the ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Back in the Island (Amanda Valle)
Amanda Valle is an artist who is now based in the US but was born in the city of Santo ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Parachute (Katherine Tolentino)
Her parents’ ambitions and ill-fitting college programme turn a young Chinese woman’s university life into a series of challenges and ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Interview: ‘Diagonal’ director Anne Thorens
Robin Write speaks to the talented director behind the short film Diagonal, Anne Thorens, part of the Competition Selection at ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Normal (Julie Caty)
Witty, thought-provoking, and wild, the animated short Normal springs its main character from an existential crisis, only to have his ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Diagonal (Anne Thorens)
Note: The following movie review addresses the topic of rape depicted on film. Reader discretion is advised. French film multi-hyphenate ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021- Day Seven
It's almost Friday and that's more than enough reason to celebrate with checking out our whole festival lineup here and ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: The Light of the Moon (Jessica M. Thompson)
Trigger warning: rape. It has been a few years since I first watched Jessica M. Thompson’s The Light of the ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Aquaphobe (Melanie Easton)
A competitive swimmer wakes up one morning to discover that his black cat has changed into a woman in Aquaphobe, ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: The Walking Fish (Thessa Meijer)
Writer-director Thessa Meijer intriguing short film The Walking Fish starts with a dreamy tone, reminiscent of a fable. One day ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Yulia & Juliet (Zara Dwinger)
Trigger warning: suicide. First release in 2018, Yulia & Juliet may appear just to be another remake of the classic ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021- Day Eight
Happy Friday film lovers! Day eight of the 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival is looking great! There's the weekend to look ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Gone Youth (Audrey Jean-Baptiste)
Loss of innocence can take many forms. Loss of a parent. Loss of childhood. Loss of autonomy. Loss of control. In Audrey Jean-Baptiste’s ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Interview: Parachute creator Katherine Tolentino
Katherine Tolentino is a fascinating woman. That is clear to see before you even speak to her, if you have ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: The Chambermaid – the quiet life of a Mexican maid
Do not be deceived by the stillness of The Chambermaid, the directorial debut of Mexican filmmaker Lila Avilés. Under its ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Hurt By Paradise (Greta Bellamacina)
An aspiring young poet memory-bound to the grip of a melancholic past, awaiting to unlock the seemingly unreachable doors to ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Interview: Agnes Patron the maestro behind And Then The Bear
As part of the 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival Robin Write of Filmotomy and Meagan Adele Lopez from the Competition Selection ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Interview: Kate Novack, the woman behind Hysterical Girl
What an insightful chat I had with filmmaker Kate Novack as she discussed the inspiration behind and the technical aspects ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Interview: ‘Makr’ director Hana Kazim
The spooky aura behind one of the 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival's showcase selection short films has had people talking the ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Makr (Hana Kazim)
When Dubai-based screenwriter and director Hana Kazim was studying business in college, she took a film class that introduced her ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Blow the Man Down (Bridget Savage Cole, Danielle Krudy)
There are two types of women in Easter Cove, the small fishing town where Blow the Man Down takes place: ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021- Day Nine
Happy weekend and happy ninth day of the 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021 film lovers! Just in case you haven't ...

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic #46: Thou Wast Mild and Lovely (Josephine Decker)
However familiar the name Josephine Decker is to you might determine on some level your love of film. The filmmaker's ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Pacífico Oscuro (Camila Beltrán)
Colombia is Black. Mainstream Latin American media entities have been forever self-plagued by a public acknowledgement issue in platforming Afro-Latino ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Meek’s Cutoff (Kelly Reichardt)
The Oregon Trail was not a nice hike in the sun. In 19th century America, it was a 3,500 km ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: And Then The Bear (Agnès Patron)
Short films can be a mini class in how to direct, or how not to. In many cases, the beginnings ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Interview: Hide and Seek / Ghazaal filmmaker Ragini Bhasin
The super talented young filmmaker Ragini Bhasin recently spoke to Robin Write of Filmotomy about two of her acclaimed short ...

Femme Filmmakers Festival 2021 – Day Ten
Well folks, this is it! We've reached the final day of our 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival. It's been a wild ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Hysterical Girl (Kate Novack)
That opening news report-esque splatter of the remarkable Hysterical Girl kicks open the door of urgency and relevance . The ...

FemmeFilmFest21Review: The Tent (Rebecca Figenschau)
This 17-minute Norwegian short starts off by introducing quite the usual dysfunctional family, in which the parents attempt to organise ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Interview: filmmaker Isabel Sandoval of Lingua Franca
Filmotomy were honoured to be in the presence of the woman behind and in front of the camera on the ...

Winners Announced for 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival – Roll of Honour
It goes without saying that there has been an abundance of talent across the board from all the submissions to ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Saint Maud (Rose Glass)
Among the very few things that Christianity and horror have in common is that both are built on the crushed ...

FemmeFilmFest21 Review: Enough (Anna Mantzaris)
Who hasn’t had a moment where they’ve had enough? Animator Anna Mantzaris follows that premise to humorous and empathetic effect ...

All the 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival Coverage in One Place
The 6th Femme Filmmakers Festival may sadly be over and done with for the year, but not to worry -- ...