The film collective website, New East Cinema, is something of a goldmine. Not just as a website, though, but its platform therein is essential to bookmark. Not just on your chosen web browser, but in your mind’s film database. New East Cinema is a specific movement, actioning the lack of representation of Eastern Europe and Central Asia film. Independent, innovative, insightful – this is just one little corner of the cinematic world many out there know little to nothing about.
But there is a hell of a lot going on that these people are missing out on. And I include the die-hard, live-and-breathe, can’t-get-enough filmaniacs. New East Cinema will open your eyes, develop your own perception of social identities and marginalised cultures. It will broaden your taste and appreciation for film. Introduce you to a new flavour of world cinema.
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As we, at Filmotomy, strive to shine spotlights in various directions at these kind of undiscovered film realms, the New East Cinema initiative is right up our street. It allows us to continue focusing on the movie landscapes that are available to us all, and yet unforgivably neglected by the Western world. Based in London (and Manchester now), New East Cinema showcases a magnificent range of social climates and promising cinema for the UK filmgoers.
Please do go check out the New East Cinema site. Very easy to navigate (Curation, Blog, About, What’s New), and you are able to book many of the exclusive screenings directly through the website. You will find essential content that you likely won’t find elsewhere. And a huge shout-out to our very own Theodosia Dobriyanova, who is instrumental in New East Cinema’s mission.
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