Festival Cinephilia Profile: Guilty Pleasure Cinema Review

Guilty Pleasure Cinema


Adam Cook — Creator / Writer / Editor, Guilty Pleasure Cinema Review



The moment you read through even one of the reviews on this site, something becomes glaringly obvious; the writer is in love with cinema. The reviews are detailed, insightful and frankly quite enjoyable to read.

The content of the website is unlike what I have come to expect of standard movie blogs, instead of focusing on latest blockbusters, the writer talks about true-blue guilty pleasure movies, some of which I personally had never even heard of, until stumbling across this website, so visiting this page will definitely help you expand your movie watch list.

At the end of each review, there is a compilation of trivia facts, and audio clips of some memorable lines from each film, a really nice touch. If I had one issue, it would just be that if the blog was a bit more structured, it would so much easier to navigate.

Overall though, totally worth checking out for its unique content, the well-researched reviews and a near consistent posting schedule (No slackers here..). — Pallavi Dandamudi


How was your Website / Podcast Conceived?

I came up with the idea in 2016. I was reading negative reviews about movies that I enjoyed. I came with the idea of reviewing these movies and explaining why I enjoy the particular movie regardless of how bad it may be. It’s grown from reviewing bad movies that are fun to watch to reviewing classic B-Movies and other movies in between.

What makes your Website / Podcast stand out from the rest?

I read a lot of movie websites where they give away things about the movie that are vital including the ending. While I warn my readers that there could be potential spoilers, I do my best not to give any information away that could deter them from watching it. I never give out endings or critical plot points. Instead I focus on the acting, story, themes and the messages the director is trying to send to the viewer. In addition to the review, I provide Trivia on the movie as well as Audio Clips featuring funny one liners and other dialogue that doesn’t give away the plot.

Where do you see your Website / Podcast in the next 5 years?

Hopefully I would like to do ‘Guilty Pleasure Cinema Review’ as a online web series or podcast with a great base. I’ve slowly built my following via Twitter being part of various movie groups, movie related podcasts and freelance reviewers. Someday, I would like to be a film critic or a film historian, preserving in B-Movies, Horror and Drive In Culture just like my favorite film critic, John Bloom (AKA Joe Bob Briggs).

Classic Film you Shamefully haven’t seen?

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Guilty Pleasure Cinema

A Film that Genuinely Scared you?

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

A Film that still makes you Cry like a baby?

Apollo 13

A Film that still has you Pissing Your Pants Laughing?


Which Screenplay do you wish you had Written?

Cabin Fever. A simple horror screenplay.

Who would Play you in your Biopic?

Eli Roth

Who should Host the Oscars next year?

Joe Bob Briggs

The Internet is no more – what is your Job now?

I have a full time job as an Estimator.

What is one of your greatest Childhood Movie Memories?

My mom taking me to see ‘Batman Forever’ on opening night. I’m a huge Batman fan and I wasn’t old enough at the time to see the first two Batman movies in theater. I was 10 so I thought it was a great movie although watching it now, there are things that hold up, but most of it is pretty silly.

Who were your Movie Star crushes growing up?

Hmm that’s a tough one. The ones I can think off the top of my head were.

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • John Candy
  • Chris Farley
  • Harrison Ford
  • Tom Hanks

Pick 5 words that best describe going to the Cinema?


Where do you stand on Streaming Services and their place in film?

Streaming Services are inevitable. People want menu based options so they can pick out movies they love or wish to see and put them in a Favorites List. It’s great when there’s a movie you’ve always wanted to see available for viewing. Billions are now being pumped into straight to streaming movies. Only problem with Streaming Services is people could get overwhelmed by the thousands of titles that are out there.

Guilty Pleasure Cinema

What is your Honest Opinion on the entire Star Wars saga?

I love the original trilogy. The prequels could’ve been so much better, perhaps if George Lucas got out of the directors chair for II and III and let someone else take over, not to mention having a co-writer. The new trilogy has been more miss than hit for me. VII repeated a lot of the first movie and VIII didn’t have much redeeming quality to it. It’s definitely turned me away from watching IX.

What is the Role of a Film Critic – and how important are they?

Role of a Film Critic is to give a honest independent review about a movie. They should not be persuaded by viewers, movie corporations, sponsors, etc. They should leave it to the reader to decide if it’s worth spending $15 to see this movie in theaters or wait until it comes out on video.

A Film Buff asks you for advice starting a Website / Podcast – what do you tell them?

Brainstorm. Come up with a concept you think hasn’t been done or if it has been done before figure a way to make it your own. Think about the websites/podcasts you like. What do they do wrong? What would you like for them to change? You could use that to your advantage.

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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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