Festival Cinephilia Profile: The Depressed Moviegoer

Depressed Moviegoer


Simon Whitlock — Creator / Writer / Editor, The Depressed Moviegoer

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Despite its name, the site is anything but depressing! Pale blue background with a great illustration of the depressed moviegoer himself. Started in 2018, the blog is possibly still in early stages, but the writing is impressive and promising. The site doesn’t have an About section, but all the writing has a nice personal feel to it.

The writer is never unnecessarily mean or rude, only honest and straight about the flaws of the whatever film he is reviewing. The focus is mainly on new releases so head here for your fix of current releases, but stay for the fascinating retrospectives on older favourites. — Maria Lattila


Robin Write: How was your Website / Podcast Conceived?

Simon Whitlock: Like everyone who gets into writing about films, I’ve been in a love affair with cinema my entire life, and so I wanted to find a way to express that love.

In the summer of 2016 I was officially diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and both of these things stopped me for the longest time from getting the energy and confidence to put myself out into the wide world of film criticism/blogging.

A year ago though, I finally mustered the energy to create what is now my site, and since then the whole project has become my coping mechanism against my own mental health issues. Thankfully, people seem to like what I’ve written so far!

What makes your Website / Podcast stand out from the rest?

I think making everything for the site myself (except the logo, that was made by my friend: a wonderfully talented woman named Alex Ralph) has meant that I’ve been able to put some of my own personality into what I publish.

For me there’s nothing so unique as your own voice, and I always hope that anyone who finds themselves on my site is able to identify that voice in my writing.

Where do you see your Website / Podcast in the next 5 years?

I would love to still be writing in 5 years – to be honest I didn’t think I’d still be doing this after one!

The Depressed Moviegoer has been a wonderful opportunity for me to express my thoughts and feelings about film, and while I’ve started doing reviews for other sites, namely FilmLand Empire, my site is my baby and I love it dearly, and I want to be the best website dad I can be.

Maybe in five years it’ll have grown to include a podcast, or video reviews? Anything can happen!

What are your Go-To Sites for Film?

Filmotomy, of course! As mentioned above, FilmLand Empire do some great reviews and their recent dispatches from Cannes have given me a lot of hype for those films doing the festival rounds.

The most invaluable tool for me though is the Launching Films site, it’s my film release bible and their social media work (shout-out to Madi Davis on that front) is full of great insights.

Depressed Moviegoer

Classic Film you Shamefully haven’t seen?

Shamefully, there are a few. The biggest one for me though would be Vertigo.

A Film that still makes you Cry like a baby?

I could be here all day listing films that consistently reduce me to tears, the one that’s had me crying hardest though would be Inside Out. That film never fails to reduce me to a blubbering mess.

A Film that still has you Pissing Your Pants Laughing?

I’m going to cheat a little and say it’s a two way tie between Young Frankenstein and Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

An Old film you would love to see on an IMAX screen?

Lawrence of Arabia, if only for the Omar Sharif entrance.

What is your Favorite Film of 2019 so far?

Us, but Booksmart and Rocketman are close behind!

Which Screenplay do you wish you had Written?

If we’re talking out of envy, any one of the Cornetto Trilogy because each one is a work of art.

Who would Play you in your Biopic?

If they’re looking for another acting gig, Ed Sheeran or Rupert Grint have the ginger credentials.

Who should Host the Oscars next year?

I actually enjoyed the hostless ceremony so wouldn’t mind if they did that again, otherwise Maya Rudolph all the way.

Whose Zero Oscar wins or nominations hurts the most?

Glenn Close has absolutely deserved to win previously, but the lack of a statue for Hitchcock is forever confounding.

The Internet is no more – what is your Job now?

I’d probably resort to pinning film reviews up on walls around London, but I’d like to think I’d be working in a little bookshop – useful in a world without internet too!

What is one of your greatest Childhood Movie Memories?

One of my earliest happy memories was watching Return of the Jedi when I was a lot younger (and lighter), and jumping from coffee table to armchair to sofa pretending I was Luke Skywalker on the skiffs over the Sarlaac pit. I was using my mum’s or my little sister’s hairbrush like it was his lightsaber too, for authenticity I made sure it was a green one!

Depressed Moviegoer

Who were your Movie Star crushes growing up?

Ever since I first saw The Mummy, I’ve been in a very full-on crush over Rachel Weisz. I was a Harry Potter kid too, so I guess closer to my own age would have been Emma Watson, and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood).

Pick 5 words that best describe going to the Cinema?

Magical, cathartic, inspiring, emotional. Expensive

Where do you stand on Streaming Services and their place in film?

I think they present a great opportunity for filmmakers without much of a budget or any studio clout to get their films made, and most importantly, seen.

However, I think more needs to be done to push the services which actually are doing this – Mubi, Curzon, BFI player etc – and rely less on Netflix who are not interested in small films without big names.

That said, since Disney are on a rampage and threatening the mid-budget film’s very existence, maybe the more established services like Netflix and Amazon will produce those kinds of films in the future. Overall I’m optimistic but it’s still too early to say for sure.

What is your Honest Opinion on the entire Star Wars saga?

From my childhood answer before, you can probably guess I’m a fan. My feelings on the series have changed a lot over the years since, and I definitely feel like the love is waning just a little bit.

Most of the films aren’t perfect, though Empire is among my all-time favourites, and I do worry that what began as a pulpy space opera has become overinflated with importance, though that’s probably down to the hype machine and the very intense fan base.

In any case, despite not being as in love with the saga as I have been before, I’ll be damned if I won’t be in the cinema on The Rise of Skywalker’s opening night.

We really need a Film Twitter definition – what is yours?

Defining Film Twitter – what could be easier! It’s a place where nuanced opinion goes to die. Every new film is the best or worst thing ever made, and there are pockets of film twitter that feel openly hostile to any contrary opinion.

There are some diamonds among the rough, however, and for every hundred or so overzealous “stan” accounts, there’ll be a dozen or so people who genuinely love talking about all facets of cinema, and they make the screaming void of film twitter worthwhile.

Share one of your most Controversial movie world opinions?

The inclusion of “Audience scores” on review websites is the worst thing to happen to film discussion. Anyone with an agenda against a certain film or actor can influence the rating with no justification, and not only does it cheapen the insight of critics who have honed their craft, but audience scores are often used as a rod to beat critics with the repeated line of “what do they know?”

I’d gladly cast any audience score into the abyss.

Change one thing about a Masterpiece, and tell us why?

I’m changing 12 Years a Slave to either recast Brad Pitt’s character, or get rid of the character entirely. He plays the only white person against slavery in the film, and it’s probably the most lazily written character of the piece. Plus, Pitt produced it, so his role feels especially self-aggrandising, and in complete contrast to the rest of the film.

Depressed Moviegoer

What are some of the Film Quotes you use a lot in everyday life?

I swear most film quotes that come out of my mouth happen subconsciously. I have found myself doing the Princess Bride “as you wish” more than a few times outside of film discussion with any casualness, otherwise I’ll always make it clear when I’m quoting something, usually in full dad-joke delivery: all winks and smiles.

What is the Role of a Film Critic – and how important are they?

I think that as the battle for audiences’ time becomes more crowded, it’s becoming more important for critics to point the way to the films deserving of someone’s precious couple of hours. No critic is going to make a dent in an event film’s bottom line, but if even one person can be swayed away from another soulless Disney remake to try a smaller, personal, more meaningful film, then that’s a win.

A Film Buff asks you for advice starting a Website / Podcast – what do you tell them?

First of all, do it. Then do it again. It doesn’t matter if 2 people or 2000 people read or listen to what you create, as long as you’re always making these things for you. As long as you believe what you write or say, and if you enjoy it, then keep going – you’re doing it right.

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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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