The Films of Christopher Nolan Ranked



Memento (2000)

In a Nutshell: Leonard suffers a head injury during a struggle were his wife is seemingly murdered. When he comes around he decides to piece together the puzzle by taking Polaroids, making notes, and getting some rather unorthodox tattoos.




Inception (2010)

In a Nutshell: A guilt-ridden husband wants to go home to his kids, so teams up with his buddy, a businessman, a thief, an architect, and a pharmacist to go dream-jumping. When they all wake up it was all a dream. Within a dream. Within a dream.



The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight (2008)

In a Nutshell: Batman is now faced with the maniacal new nemesis in the form of the lip-smacking, money-burning The Joker. The villain is so ruthless, charismatic, demented, terrifying, our hero hardly gets a look in. The envy shows in the interrogation room when Batman takes out his male-pride-denting on The Joker’s face.


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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.