Film Road to Halloween: 100 Ways ‘Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Actually Did No Good

Batman v Superman

21. Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne’s difference of opinion suggests they are fighting already. Lame.

22. A cut away to Superman bringing a girl from a burning building is distractingly out of place. Get the editor on the phone.

23. The people’s doubt over Superman after all he has done is truly inhumane to say the least. Selfish, fickle pricks.

24. The scrumptious Jena Malone is sinfully under-used. And would have made a much spunkier Lois Lane.

25. Even in the presence of Bruce Wayne, or Batman, or Daredevil – Jeremy Irons is still the coolest guy in the room.

26. Some of the violence is excessive for a “superhero” movie. The prison stabbing scene was by-the-book unnecessary.

27. Lurking Bruce Wayne latching onto Diana Prince is a little too rapey. #MeToo anyone?

28. Desert-storm Batman in a trench coat is a sight I never want to experience again. Could he be wearing anymore clothes?

29. Said desert sequence is a blatant Mad Max: Fury Road rip-off. Fail. You wish, Snyder.

30. Hellboy Batman whacking soldiers carousel-style with a gun is embarrassing.

31. What the fuck are those man-flies by the way?

32. The hypnotic message that Lois Lane is the answer is a horrendously over-visual scene. My eyes!

33. The film casually, cheaply uses computers and holding up newspapers to convey pointless information. Over and over and over again.

34. Most of the action set-pieces are anything but spectacular. Yawn.

35. The Batmobile crashing through a boat, then shooting its way out from a totally different angle is beyond incomprehensible. Even for a fantasy film.

36. Superman is often framed in slow motion with the red swooshing cape. It is neither windy nor does it look good.

37. Batman’s monstrous voice makes you forgive Christian Bale on the spot.

38. Although part of the film, this is the moment the actor realizes nobody will even remember him.

39. The pushing in front of the train scene just feels like the writers did not know what else to do.

40. The explosion in the courtroom, leaves many folk blown to smithereens. And Superman doesn’t have a scratch on him. The audacity.

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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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