Film Road to Halloween: 100 Ways ‘Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Actually Did No Good

Batman v Superman

41. Bruce Wayne is unbelievably swayed far too easy by mere notes and events that entice him to want Superman dead. Was he bullied at school?

42. The romantic scenes with Kent / Superman and Lois have little chemistry.

43. Bruce Wayne working out to get stronger for his fight with Superman is worse than any Rocky montage could have been in its worse nightmare. It’s much better with Joe Esposito’s “You’re The Best” playing over it.

44. Wayne’s fascination with Diana Prince seems less detective and far more perverted.

45. At times I thought Lex Luther was somewhere between the sets of The Matrix and Prometheus.

46. It is oh so annoying when Lois Lane keeps speaking plot developments out loud with a forced realization. Like when Matthew has to repeat what Sooty says in his ear.

47. When Kevin Costner (bless him) shows up and aptly says “it’s all downhill from here”.

48. Batman’s armor and lit up eyes would have Robo-Cop rolling on the floor laughing.

49. The bat signal is crap. It’s practically an oblong.

50. Luther begins to imitate The Joker after a while – and it is not funny in the slightest.

51. Superman catching the falling Lois is nowhere near as exhilarating as the original recuse in 1978.

52. Superman’s red eyes is head-shakingly bad, and you are reminded for a second of an 80s horror B movie.

53. Superman is way too influenced and slowed down by emotions. Pull it together, son.

54. Half the movie is told via breaking news reports on the television. CNN made a gazillion dollars as affiliates.

55. As undeniably beautiful as she is, there is far too much of Diana Prince watching the madness gradually unfold.

56. Superman is so clingy with Lois, she almost loses her cab.

57. The blatant hinting of those other special ones seems forced.

58. Superman seems to float around with little urgency one minute, and zoom faster than the speed of light the next.

59. Lame-ass head-to-head shot – “for the poster” someone can be heard saying. Original title was: Megatron v Superman.

60. How Sir Batman-elot can move under all that costume weight is beyond me.

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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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