Film Road to Halloween: 100 Ways ‘Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Actually Did No Good

Batman v Superman

61. As expected, Batman really takes a pounding early on in the duel.

62. Superman falls for the smoke grenade decoy. Oh dear. That’s textbook.

63. That hair falling over the forehead signifies Superman being weaker.

64. Given all his incredible super-human powers, Superman does not seem to be able to block your standard punches.

65. Batman’s suit when broken seems to conduct electricity the same way The Terminator did when he crashed to Earth.

66. Broken Batman monster voice is even harder to understand.

67. Both the mothers are called Martha. No way. Or just no.

68. That revelation changes everything in the blink of an eye, and Batman and Superman are suddenly best friends forever.

69. Batman all of a sudden starts to sound like Ben Affleck again.

70. Batman all of a sudden starts to look like Batman again.

71. The gun-wielding bad guys are your basic knucklehead cliche.

72. That Superman’s mother figured Batman was a friend because of the cape. No LOLs to be found.

73. Why does Superman just stand there and let Lex Luther spout all that shit…

74. …even while what appears to be all hell breaking lose?

75. There is little explanation into the kryptonian monster that is now ready for destruction. His name: Doomsday. Original.

76. The movie temporarily becomes an insult to the King Kong movies, and even Ang Lee’s The Hulk. You wish, Snyder.

77. The ridiculously expansive pink neon electrical dome that appears every time Doomsday powers-up, is the reason for those power outages in 2015.

78. That the creature is then described as “unkillable”.

79. The creature’s transformation physically is much more farcical than scary.

80. Batman’s intervention appears to make things worse. Oops.

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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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