Film Road to Halloween: 100 Ways ‘Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Actually Did No Good

Batman v Superman

81. Batman’s plan to make the creature follow him to the city is pulled off extraordinarily too easy. Blink and you’ll miss it.

82. So many explosions and rapid action you can hardly see what the fuck is happening.

83. The very moment Batman believes he’s done for. Yes, put your arms up and head down, that’ll protect you from Doomsday’s wrath.

84. It takes two and a half hours for Wonder Woman, the greatest single thing about the entire joke of a movie, to make an appearance. Which is the same moment I wet myself.

85. As cool as she is, how does Wonder Woman do more good than Batman and Superman have put together?

86. Lois Lane almost getting herself drowned had me shaking my head for what must have been the hundredth time.

87. How does Superman only hear Lois banging under water, and not the cries of terror of the thousands of terrified and seriously injured people amidst the destroyed city rubble?

88. While Wonder Woman knocks the creature for six, Batman is using his specialist skills of dodging, swaying and spectating.

89. Superman and Lois sharing a moment as all hell continues to break loose. Pick your moments guys.

90. How the kryptonite spear almost drowned Superman, but he is able to fly with it later for what seems like miles. At great speed too.

91. There seems to be no mention or respect paid to the thousands of innocent lives that must have been lost in that ridiculous battle. But Superman might be dead! Oh well then!

92. There’s a moment in Luther’s lair where a monster simply vaporizes. What the actual fuck?

93. That we are supposed to be like: “Oh wow, that’s how Luther got bald.”.

94. How much it dawns on you that Laurence Fishburne’s chief looks more like KFC’s Colonel. Family bucket, anyone?

95. The whole mourning of Superman’s death goes on for far too long. Especially as we all know it is utter bullshit anyway.

96. When Diane Lane is crying at the end you can’t help feeling it is actually Diane Lane crying.

97. When Wayne says to Diana: “Help me find the others like you”, you know it is because he’s aware he is merely a man in a suit, and not someone with almighty strength and super-powers.

98. How this got through security I’ll never know. The justice system, eh.

99. The scene with Batman visiting Luther in his cell just feels like one of many that should have stayed on the cutting room floor. And trampled on. Many times.

100. The final shot of rumbling soil is meant to have a huge impact. Who the fuck are you kidding?!

Now your turn, come on, I bet you can find another 100…

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Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.

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