Festival Cinephilia Profile: Kinetoscope



Matthew Deapo — Founder / Sole Critic, Kinetoscope Film Journal

EmailTwitterFacebook PageEssayHip Hop Golden Age


Another site that’s cool as a cucumber! Consisting of reviews and feature all written by Matthew Deapo, Kinetoscope has plenty of thoughtful and insightful criticism, arranged into helpful categories. My favourite piece is a feature looking at Steve McQueen’s Shame.

“Sean Bobbitt’s camera is as invasive as Sissy’s need for affection, coldly spying its subject as he nervously eyeballs clocks and bides time until his next release, constructing a photographic prison from the hopeless shards of Brandon’s own gnawing temptations.“

Beautifully written with great use of language, Deapo dives deep into the films, but doesn’t bother beating around the bush or ramble. These are short and sweet pieces that hit the spot.Maria Lattila


Robin Write: How was your Website / Podcast Conceived?

Matthew Deapo: My intention for the site was to totally disconnect criticism from contemporary mores, trends, politics, and box-office. It may sound a bit high-minded, but I looked to Dogme 95 for inspiration, treating their discipline as a guiding light.

What makes your Website / Podcast stand out from the rest?

I write each essay with the intention of creating a poetic analysis of the featured work, intentionally avoiding “Consumer Reports” style marketing jargon and sloganeering. I attempt to avoid plot as much as possible and focus on theme, atmosphere, and emotion, all while maintaining my artistic voice and perspective.

Where do you see your Website / Podcast in the next 5 years?

I hope to develop a more ardent following over time, but wouldn’t be disappointed if it’s still just a personal outlet, read only by friends and family.

What are your Go-To Sites for Film?

Film Comment
Sight & Sound
Art Forum
Bright Lights
Armond White’s work at National Review


Classic Film you Shamefully haven’t seen?


A Film that Genuinely Scared you?

Black Christmas (1974)

A Film that still makes you Cry like a baby?


A Film that still has you Pissing Your Pants Laughing?

Blazing Saddles

An Old film you would love to see on an IMAX screen?

Napoleon (1927)

What is your Favorite Film of 2019 so far?

I haven’t seen anything that’s moved me yet.


Which Screenplay do you wish you had Written?


Whose Zero Oscar wins or nominations hurts the most?

Too many to name.

The Internet is no more – what is your Job now?

Print film critic (fingers crossed).

What is one of your greatest Childhood Movie Memories?

The weekly trip to the video store is my strongest childhood memory. Just scanning the boxes and being horrified, aroused, and intrigued was rather exciting for a blossoming cinephile.

Who were your Movie Star crushes growing up?

Julianne Moore, Goldie Hawn, and Molly Ringwald.

Pick 5 words that best describe going to the Cinema?

Quiet. Invigorating. Spiritual. Contemplative. Expensive.

Where do you stand on Streaming Services and their place in film?

It looks like we’re going to have to accept them, despite their spotty catalogs and complete lack of consideration for cinematic history.

What is your Honest Opinion on the entire Star Wars saga?

The original series is well-made fantasy fiction, but its fanbase needs to branch out and experience the rest of what cinema has to offer.

We really need a Film Twitter definition – what is yours?

The supposed cinematic elite, bloviating endlessly in utter hyperbole.

Share one of your most Controversial movie world opinions?

Art without challenge or confrontation is ultimately meaningless.

Change one thing about a Masterpiece, and tell us why?

I’d remove the happy ending from The Last Laugh. It’s just completely incongruous.


What are some of the Film Quotes you use a lot in everyday life?

“A critic is a soldier that fires on his own men.” – Jean-Luc Godard

What is the Role of a Film Critic – and how important are they?

The importance of criticism lies in the desire to interpret human experience. By analyzing our artistic output, we endeavor to make sense of ourselves and the mystery of the world outside of ourselves.

A Film Buff asks you for advice starting a Website / Podcast – what do you tell them?

Be honest and open. Never accept an opinion that’s not your own because it’s safe or true.

Author: Robin Write

I make sure it's known the company's in business. I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at. Not the work, not the work... the presentation.